The LOA serves seniors 60 and older in the Roanoke Valley and Alleghany Highlands with a mission of helping older persons remain independent for as long as possible. We are able to carry out this mission by providing services such as Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Case Management and Insurance Counseling.
What We Do
Care Coordination - Evaluates cases to determine which services are needed and links
people with those services. Provides outreach (finding people who need the services and making the public aware of the services) and, screening, assessment, care planning, service delivery coordination, monitoring and reassessment.
Options Counseling – A Case Manager meets with clients and discusses information and options for various services, and the client arranges their own services.
Meals-on-Wheels - Volunteers deliver hot meals to homebound elderly.
Pets Eat Too - Pet food is donated by the RVSPCA for the pets of our Meals-on-Wheels clients and is delivered on a weekly basis by the volunteers.
Nutrition Counseling - Nutrition Counselor determines if MOW clients, referred by Case Managers, are at high risk and qualify for nutrition supplements and provides nutrition education on a variety of topics to MOW’s clients and Diners Club groups.
Diners Clubs (Congregate Meals) - Persons with economic or social needs meet at supervised sites for lunch, activities, and programs.
Long Term Care Ombudsman - Investigates complaints and provides advocacy for residents of any age who reside in long-term care facilities or who are receiving licensed home health care services. Responds to inquiries about long-term care services in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and licensed home health care services.
Long Term Care - Coordinates community and institutional based services and advocates services for long-term care. No real eligibility requirements.
Vital Services Transportation - provides rides to vital services such as doctor appointments, social service appointments, pharmacy, grocery shopping, etc.
Assisted Transportation - Provided to seniors 60 and older who need to be accompanied by someone to medical appointments. A CNA will assist the person to the vehicle, drive them to the appointment and drive them home. The CNA will see that the person gets back into his/her home safely. Must be unable to go to medical appointments alone.
Care Transitions - Care transitions involves a health coach working with clients who are discharged from hospital to help them locate services in order to return to their home in the community. Care transitions helps the client keep doctors’ appointments and understand how to take medications as needed in order to help prevent readmissions to the hospital.
Legal Assistance – Legal advice and assistance with the preparation of Powers of Attorney, Advance Medical Directives, and simple wills.
Homemaker – Provides, through outside contractors, in-home homemaker services including household tasks like sweeping, mopping, dusting and other cleaning chores.
Personal Care- Provides, through outside contractors, in-home personal care including bathing, dressing, toileting and ambulation.
Emergency Services – Provides, through donations from the public, eyeglasses, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, adult diapers and other items.
Adult Day Care - Through outside contract, provides daytime respite care for elderly with limited means. Must be 60 or older and require supervision in a structured setting.
Fan Care and Cooling Assistance – Placement of fans in homes of elderly who have a need for assistance. Air conditioners are given to those with no working air conditioner in the home and whose income is below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level. This program is funded by donations from the public.
Caregiver Support – Counseling for overburdened caregivers who are caring for individuals age 60 and over, respite and information and referral.
VICAP - Answers to questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Part D & long-term care insurance. Assistance figuring out medical bills.
Chronic Disease Self-Management - Program offers workshops for older adults and adults with disabilities to address the challenges of living with any chronic health condition. The program consists of a series of workshops that are conducted once a week for six weeks in community settings. Workshop participants develop the skills and coping strategies they need to manage their symptoms through a group process that includes action planning, interactive learning, behavior modeling, problem solving, decision-making and most important, social support, for change. Some workshops may be held for those who have specific health conditions such as dementia or diabetes.
Soup for Seniors – A canned food drive held annually in February. All LOA clients, elderly living in low-income independent living and other seniors throughout the Roanoke Valley receive the loaded bag of soup to help get them through the harsh winter months.
Senior Medicare Patrol - Provides presentations to groups on scams, identity theft and preventing Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse. Also counsels seniors on scam and
fraud issues and helps to report Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse.
Matter of Balance – Program offers workshops for managing falls and increasing activity levels. Anyone who is concerned about falls, interested in improving balance, flexibility, strength, or has fallen in the past, or has restricted activities because of falling concerns, age 60 or older would benefit from the program. This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls.
Senior Food Boxes – In partnership with the Southwest Virginia Foodbank, a monthly food box delivery will be made to qualifying seniors. Must be 60 years of age or older and income must be at or below 130% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Age Friendly Community - LOA facilitates the AARP Age-Friendly Community Initiative comprised of a collaboration of community partners focused on the 2018 Age Friendly Roanoke Survey Assessment and developing a three year comprehensive plan.
Elder Justice Alliance - a community-based team of organizations and individuals committed to using education, collaboration, and coordination of community resources and services to address abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of those age 60 or older.